Sunday, 26 June 2011

I am so sorry ♥

Dear everyone who reads this,

It feels like a long time since I have sat at this desk about to write a blog post. Exams are a killer and have taken every moment of my life for over a month and all wrapped up officially on Thursday *phew* And jeez the government say exams have been getting easier well I wish that mine had been easy to start with! I did lots of revision so I am keeping my fingers crossed and will let you know on the 25th August how I do.

Anyway that (granted very important but mind-aching) part of my life has closed for another year so now onto one of my true loves, reporting my take on trends to you, the best readers I could ask for.

Summer is well and truely upon us here in London with temperatures hitting 30 today! I'm in the shade and still melting! So my wardrobe has done a summer 360 YAY! I have to admit I have a new addiction - dresses. I currently have 7 day dresses and 3 going out ones in various floral patterns and hues. I also love skirts and am racking up a fair collection of them too. I am however in serious need of new shoes. I have a relatively small shoe collection to be fair - 4 pairs of sandals, 2 pairs of converse, one pair of black pumps and a pair of wedges. If anyone can suggest something new I would seriously love you as currently I cannot find anything right and it's seriously annoying.

So you will be hearing a lot more from me in the weeks come by ♥

Keep in touch via twitter, IFB or comment below - I would love to reach out to more of you.