I realised I haven't posted much on this blog of late as I have been posting more life related content on my other blog Dear Aphrodite, which seems strange as this is technically my diary.
In the past this blog was my commentary on fashion, then my style journey and fashion news, before turning to look at specific aspects of trends or styles that I had never seen/noticed before.
And I still love fashion and it is such a part of everything I do. I have learnt so much of late, as I grow out of teenage hood (slowly... I'm still under twenty for another year). So I want to start posting to you, my fashionable followers, about how my style is evolving now that I am changing again; queue more workwear but I will always remain true to my personal style.
Oh and don't worry, my blog name won't change when I hit twenty, because the best bit about age is it is just a number...
Lots of love,
Amber xx